Number form: 23,287,420
Two thousand.
two thousand
Its positional place value is 2,000 = two thousand
eighty thousand eighty-two thousand, and seventy-five
Number form: 23,287,420
Written as a number, two thousand and twenty-three is equal to 2023.
Fort-two thousand.
23 over 200 = 23 ÷ 200 = 0.115
Forty-two thousand can be written as 42,000.
The number 2000.00 is "two thousand" (and no hundredths). The currency value $2000.00 is "two thousand dollars" (and no cents).
The one which says 2023. Some tests may ask you to select the number that matches the written value two thousand twenty three, then give you some choices. Read all the numbers carefully before choosing, as they may try to trick you.
Two thousand.