To convert meters to kilometers, you need to divide by 1000 since there are 1000 meters in a kilometer. Therefore, 12000 meters is equal to 12 kilometers.
Remember K H D | d c m. Metres is three places to the right of Kilometres. So you have to move the decimal place three times to the right. So in this case the answer is 6000 metres.
12,000 kilometers = 12,000,000 meters
One kilometer is 1,000 meters. Therefore, 2 kilometers is 2,000 meters, and thus, 4,000 meters (which is 4 kilometers) is greater than 2 kilometers.
It is three hundred and two feet, and in kilometers about 10.
3,400 (three thousand four hundred metres)
kilo means thousand, "kilo-meter" = 1000 meters 1000x 3 = 3000 meters
A hundred thousand meters is called a hundred kilometers.
1 kilometer = 1 thousand meters 2 kilometers = 2 thousand meters . 17 kilometers = 17 thousand meters . 381 kilometers = 381 thousand meters (That's 381,000 .)
4,000 meters = 4 kilometers
To get meters to kilometers, you divide by a thousand. Likeweise, multiply kilometers by a thousand to get meters. 5,000/1,000 = 5 kilometers
Fourty thousand
You get a number that is a thousand times larger. There are a thousand meters in a kilometer.
kilo means thousand. Literally. So 1.5 kilometers would be 1.5 thousand meters, or 1500 meters.
no, forty thousand meters = forty kilometers, so four hundred kilometers is bigger. =]
2500 m = 2.5 km Two and a half kilometers. Kilo means thousand two thousand five hundred meters is two and a half thousand meters or two and a half kilometers