The numerical coefficient of -5y is -5. In algebraic terms, the coefficient is the numerical factor that is multiplied by the variable. In this case, the variable is y, and the coefficient is -5, indicating that -5 is multiplied by y.
x multiplied by x is x squared.
y = 6x - 32
The number you are referring to is the square root of the second number. In mathematical terms, if you have a number "x" and it produces the square of another number "y" when multiplied by itself, then x is the square root of y. For example, if x * x = y, then x is the square root of y.
twenty four multiplied by the sum of a number x and y
It is difficult to tell what expression you are trying to convey. 8 multiplied by x, and then take y away, is 8x-y x take away y, and then 8 multiplied by this number, is 8(x-y) 8 multiplied by x, and divided by y is 8x/y
Y 576
The numerical coefficient of y in 5y is 5. In an algebraic term, the coefficient is the number that is directly multiplied by the variable. In this case, y is being multiplied by 5, making 5 the coefficient of y in the term 5y.
When you multiply two terms with the same base, you add their exponents. In this case, y to the power of 4 multiplied by y to the power of 5 is equal to y to the power of (4+5), which simplifies to y to the power of 9.
3y means that the value of the variable 'y' is multiplied by 3
x=length of square x multiplied by y = area of square y=width of square width multiplied by length = area
if a column vector such as x y is multiplied by a raw vector such as ( 2 0), ( 2 o) x y = 2x so 2x is the image of x y
X Divided by Y multiplied by 100.
7 multiplied by y