4 out of 13 wrong = 9 out of 13 correct = 69.2% .
We sincerely hope it wasn't a math test.
If you miss 4 out of 25 questions, you would have answered 21 questions correctly. To calculate your score, you would typically assign a certain number of points to each correct answer. For example, if each question is worth 1 point, your score would be 21 points out of a possible 25, resulting in a score of 84%.
You would have gotten 73% of the questions correct, which in most places would get you a C.
8/12 which is 67%
You can only miss 16 points on a 100 point test in order to get an 84%. If the questions are worth 2 points EACH, you can miss 8. If the questions are worth 4 points each, you can only miss 4 questions.
4 of 6
If you miss 4 out of 25 questions, you would have answered 21 questions correctly. To calculate your score, you would typically assign a certain number of points to each correct answer. For example, if each question is worth 1 point, your score would be 21 points out of a possible 25, resulting in a score of 84%.
4 out of 5 or 80%
You would have gotten 73% of the questions correct, which in most places would get you a C.
8/12 which is 67%
You can only miss 16 points on a 100 point test in order to get an 84%. If the questions are worth 2 points EACH, you can miss 8. If the questions are worth 4 points each, you can only miss 4 questions.
4/25 = 16/100 = 84%
To calculate your score, we need to know the total possible score for the 25 questions. If each question carries an equal weight, we can assume that each question is worth 4% (100% divided by 25 questions). To find your score, multiply the percentage you achieved (84%) by the total possible score (4% per question) and divide by 100: Score = (84% * 4% * 25) / 100 Score = (0.84 * 0.04 * 25) / 100 Score = 0.84 Therefore, if you got 84% on 25 questions with each question being worth 4%, your score would be 0.84 or 84%.
4-5 since ea about 5%