A line that keeps going is called an "infinite line." It's like that annoying friend who never knows when to stop talking. Just goes on and on, never hitting a dead end. Kind of like my love life, but that's a different story.
Ah, a line that keeps going is like a happy little stream flowing through the meadow, never stopping, always moving forward. It can represent endless possibilities and infinite potential, stretching out into the horizon with no limits in sight. Just like in painting, a line that keeps going can lead you to new discoveries and beautiful creations.
16.4166666666667 keeps on going
Line is going down and to the right.
When there is a curved line going upwards on a graph it means the distance is increasing
u times the length by the width. ( that means times the line going across buy the line going down)
If the line slants upward (going towards the right), then the slope is positive.
when the line never ends, it keeps on going
when the line never ends, it keeps on going
because a line jsut keeps on going on so yeah
interia keeps going in a straight line but with friction it will slow down
interia keeps going in a straight line but with friction it will slow down
a line has a dot on each end and a ray only has one dot and an arrow, it keeps on going.
A cell phone keeps ringing without going to voice-mail because the line is busy.
line= ____________________ has no end point ray = .______________________________ has one end point, other direction keeps going line segment = .____________. stops at both ends. has 2 end points
The duration of Love Keeps Going is 1.5 hours.
my alarm keeps going of and wont start.
it keeps going and going and going and going no thats^ energizer's
Love Keeps Going ended on 2011-08-28.