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A dashed/dotted line if it is > or <. Otherwise use a regular line. Also shading is required.

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Q: What kind of line do you use to graph an inequality?
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line graph

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a line graph

When graphing a linear inequality in two variables how do you know if the inequality represents the area above the line?

Take a sample point from either the top or bottom of the graph. I like to use (0,0) if it is not on the line. Substitute it into the inequality and if it is true then it represents all points on that line as true and vice versa.

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Line chart

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line graph

What graph do you use to show increase and decrease?

A line graph.A line graph.A line graph.A line graph.

Which kind of visual aid would you use to show changes over time?

A Line Graph

Explain when to use a solid line as a boundary when graphing a linear inequality?

If the points that are ON the line satisfy the inequality then the line should be solid. Otherwise it should be dotted. Another way of putting that is, if the inequality is given in terms of &acirc;&permil;&curren; or &acirc;&permil;&yen;, then use a solid line. If they are &lt; or &gt; use a dotted line.

How do you you use line graph in a sentence?

Creating a line graph is a simple thing to do. If you have two points, you can create a line graph.

When looking for a mathematical relationship between two variables use what kind of graph?

A straight line equation graph which is normally plotted on the Cartesian plane

When do you use line graph?

a line graph is tracking something over time.