A semiconductor diode is made of two semiconductore mterials type "p" and type "n" fused together, these two are connected to two leads, the all that is encased in epoxy.
Yes, the noun gold is a material noun. A material noun is a word for something that other things are made from; many things are made from gold.
papel picado is made of tissue paper used for the The Day of the Dead.
What is the length of cloth needed to make 18 shirts if each shirt is made from 0.8 yards of material?
The answer depends on how big the bottle is and what material it is made of.
The screw is made from? Gauge? Tension or shear? In what material? How far into the material? etc etc etc etc ..............................
SILICON same as any other diode but with different characteristics
An electronic component composed of two layers of a semiconductor material is a diode.
if a diode is in forward biased the diode acts as switch is on and when we apply the diode in reverse biased then it work as the switch as off.
because a semicoductor only alows curent to flow in one direction
Diode is a semiconductor material. so it act as insulator also.
A Germanium diode has a much lower breakdown voltage than a silicone diode.
As that of most power devices power diode are maid from silicon material(because of its wide band gap) . but now days alloy of silicon are used like sic(silicon carbide) by ank
diode is formed out from a semiconducting material by creating two electrode of positive and negative charges from anode and cathode
You need to apply an external voltage across the diode. The negative terminal must be connected to the N type material.
diode is made by joining a P and N type semiconductor materials
A: When? it all started with diode gates in the very early 50 now days gates are made from different material for different applications. Silicon, metal oxide