pocket calculator is a calculator that we keep in our pocket
I saw the first modern electronic pocket calculator in 1967 when I was attending engineering school at the University of California in Berkeley. It was made by Hewlett-Packard.
To use the karnaugh map for the casio e200, you would follow the instructions used in the download. For the free pocket map, you simply enter your specifications with the check boxes and the calculator would do the rest.
The E symbol means 'times ten to the power of'. So 4E7 means 4 x 107 which is 40,000,000.
The Slide Rule
pocket calculator is a calculator that we keep in our pocket
If you mean the pocket calculator, it is actually a computer.If you mean something like the abacus, of course the computer came after it.
Write 3 test cases for testing a pocket calculator.
The first pocket calculator is called theCurta. More:The inventors name is Clif Stoll.
The word in Irish is áireamhán.Áireamhán póca (pocket calculator).
Windsor L Sherman has written: 'Airplane stability calculations with a card programmable pocket calculator' -- subject(s): Mathematical models, Stability of airplanes
A pocket calculator is a small form of a computer and is used to do calculations. A computer can also do calculations by using special programs. Some mathematical programs are built in to the operating system. So the answer is that a computer can do arithmetic. At the deepest level of operation acomputer can only do arithmetic.
It means "(pocket) calculator."
If this is middle school math homework, the answer is: He already knew how many pockets he had.
Sir Clive Sinclair
I saw the first modern electronic pocket calculator in 1967 when I was attending engineering school at the University of California in Berkeley. It was made by Hewlett-Packard.