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using a calender

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Q: What method of timekeeping is the least precise?
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What methods of timekeeping are the least precise?

Observing the seasons

Which of the methods of timekeeping is the most precise?


Which civilisation is credited with the earliest use of sundials as a method of timekeeping?

sumerian civilization

What is a good sentence for chronometer?

The chronometer is a reliable tool used for precise timekeeping in various scientific experiments.

Do the higher priced watches tend to have higher quality timekeeping mechanism?

Higher-priced watches, more often than not, have a better, more accurate timekeeping mechanism or at least have a better crystal.

Why did Christian Huygens invented the pendulum clock?

Christian Huygens invented the pendulum clock in 1656 to improve timekeeping accuracy. The use of a pendulum allowed for more precise measurements of time, making the clock more reliable than previous timekeeping devices.

Why was the pendelum clock invented?

The pendulum clock was invented to improve timekeeping accuracy. It was developed by Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens in the 17th century, using the regular swing of a pendulum to regulate the movement of the clock's gears. This led to more precise timekeeping compared to earlier mechanical clocks.

What is Least Cubic Method?

"Least Cubic Method" Also called "Generalized the Least Square Method", is new Method of data regression.

When was The Disregard of Timekeeping created?

The Disregard of Timekeeping was created in 1989.

What is generalized least square method?

Generalized Least Square Method also called Least Cubic Method

How do use the word precise in a sentence?

Here are some example sentences for precise: It is difficult to be precise about the number of deaths caused by smoking. There is no precise method of measuring intelligence. At that precise moment, the phone rang.

What is it called when time is reckoned by the position of the sun?

It is called "solar time" or "apparent solar time." This method of timekeeping is based on the position of the sun in the sky, with noon defined as when the sun is at its highest point.