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millilitre or litre - depending on size. Or possibly microlitre, kilolitre, megalitre etc.

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Q: What metric unit is used when measuring the volume of an irregular-shaped object?
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What is the base metric for measuring volume?

the liter

What is the metric unit of measuring the volume of a paperclip?

A millilitre.

How do you get the volume of irregular shaped object?

by measuring the object

How do you get the the volume of shapes?

by measuring the object

What SI unit can be used for measuring volume?

A basic unit of volume in the metric system is a liter. Volume is the amount of space an object takes up. The most accurate tool used to measure volume is a graduated cylinder. Answer In SI, the unit of volume is the cubic metre. While the litre is a metric unit, it is NOT an SI unit.

What metric unit is used for measuring the volume of liquids?

Liters & milliliters

What units are commonly used for measuring volume in the metric system What tool is commonly used for measuring liquid volumes in the metric system?

measuring the volume of the metric system the bushel scale and is used by units of measurement that litters. ml. cubic inch. cubic meters. Decimeter cubic meters. It is.

A cubic centimeter is a unit for measuring what?

A cubic centimetre (cm3) is a unit of volume (V).

What is the Metric term for measuring the volume of a room?

This would be measured in cubic meters.

What is the purpose of measuring volume of an area?

to measure volume the object must be three dimensional. the purpose of measuring the volume of an area is to know its capacity

What metric system are used when measuring the volume of a melted ice cube?

Volume is the part of the metric system used. The unit would be litres.

How can you measure volume using displacement?

The volume of an object can be determined by the displacement of water. By dropping the object into a measuring container of water, where the volume of the water is known, the object's volume can then be calculated by subtracting the volume of the water by the volume of the water and object combined.