The statement is correct. "What" has 4 letters. "Sometimes" has 9 letters. "Never" has 5 letters.
Watched ahead of time starting with p with 9 letters
2000 a month is 24000 a year.
$45000 a year is $3750/month.
It may change, yes.
August is the ONLY month of the year that has 6 letters
September is the month having the most letters in its name.
April and March
September is the month with the longest name, consisting of 9 letters.
The month of the year that has thirty days and eight letters is November. All the months that have thirty days include:SeptemberAprilJuneNovember
No, July is the seventh month of the year.
It is@ 9/12 times 100 = 75%
The only month that has the same number of letters in its name as the number is "May." "May" has three letters, and it is the fifth month of the year. None of the other months have this unique characteristic of having the same number of letters as their position in the calendar year.
The month with the fewest letters is "May".
April march as well
is 3/4 of a year