They are: 9 times 9 = 81
The LCM is 5184. The numbers 81 and 64 have no common factors. When you have two relatively prime numbers, you find their LCM by multiplying them. So 5184 is 81x64.
81 dimes are equal to $8.10. This can be calculated by multiplying the number of dimes (81) by the value of one dime ($0.10). The result is $8.10, as each dime is worth 10 cents.
There is only one number that's equal to 81. That number is 81. There are many other sets of two or more numbers that you can manipulate with an arithmetic operation and produce 81 as the result. For example: Addition: 27 + 54 = 81 Subtraction: 175 - 94 = 81 Multiplication: 3 x 27 = 81 Division: 567 / 7 = 81 But none of those other numbers is "equal" to 81.
They are: 9 times 9 = 81
The LCM is 5184. The numbers 81 and 64 have no common factors. When you have two relatively prime numbers, you find their LCM by multiplying them. So 5184 is 81x64.
Adding: 100+44 Multiplying: 12*12
81 dimes are equal to $8.10. This can be calculated by multiplying the number of dimes (81) by the value of one dime ($0.10). The result is $8.10, as each dime is worth 10 cents.
6 AND8
the two numbers to equal to 63 is 9 and 7.
By multiplying the numerator and denominator be equal numbers
There is only one number that's equal to 81. That number is 81. There are many other sets of two or more numbers that you can manipulate with an arithmetic operation and produce 81 as the result. For example: Addition: 27 + 54 = 81 Subtraction: 175 - 94 = 81 Multiplication: 3 x 27 = 81 Division: 567 / 7 = 81 But none of those other numbers is "equal" to 81.
Yes. When multiplying it does not matter what order the numbers are in, it will always equal the same.
the two numbers to equal 16 is 4 and 4.