The LCM is 5184. The numbers 81 and 64 have no common factors. When you have two relatively prime numbers, you find their LCM by multiplying them. So 5184 is 81x64.
LCM of 81 and 3 is 81.
LCM of 4 8 and 64 is 64.
The LCM is 810.
The LCM is 2268.
The LCM is 1539.
The LCM is 1377.
The LCM is 162.
The LCM of 6 and 81 is 162.
LCM of 81 and 375 is 10125.
The LCM of 81 and 216 is 648.
The LCM is 192.
The LCM is: 64