645 rounded to the nearest hundred is 600.
645 is a 3-digit number. A single digit in a number can have a place value. A number with several digits cannot.
An even number can be divided by 2 evenly. An odd number will have a remainder of 1 when divided by 2. 645 is an odd number.
A Mamiya 645 film camera can be purchased through eBay for about $150-300. Specialized camera/photo stores may also carry this specific camera. Amazon, also appears to be carrying the Mamiya 645.
No. It does not read backwards the same as it does forwards.
By comparing the first three digits of the Social Security Number you can identify the state in which the subject resided at the time the number was issued.627-645 Texas449-467 Texas
Pokemon number 645. Please see related link
655 - 10 = 645