There is no possible number that 't' could be that would make that equation a true statement. It has no answer.
[ 9x2 - 10x + 1 ] is not a question. If you were to turn it into a statement, by setting it equal to something, then you could ask us what number 'x' must be in order to make the statement true. But right now, it's only an expression that stands for some number, and in order to know what number, we'd first need to know what number 'x' is.
Close. But to make that statement correct, three letters must be deleted:Every natural number is a[n ir]rational number.
were os 1.1 going to be on a number line
There is no such number. You could divide it by 2/15 = 0.133... to make 27,000, which is 303 Or, you could divide it by a thousandth of that = 0.000133... to make 27,000,000 which is 3003. Or you could divide it by a still smaller number, a thousandth of the above number to make 27 billion - which is 3,0003. Or a thousandth of that ... and so on.
There is no possible number that 't' could be that would make that equation a true statement. It has no answer.
Not if the statement is inexplicable in numerical terms, and not always when it is.
We've ready the question carefully, and we're unable to find a statement.
1) to make a number even, multiply it by an even number. So you could use a randum number and double it.2) to test if a number if even, if ( i modulus 2 == 0 ) then it is even.
You could do it yourself and make a statement - or a mess
[ 9x2 - 10x + 1 ] is not a question. If you were to turn it into a statement, by setting it equal to something, then you could ask us what number 'x' must be in order to make the statement true. But right now, it's only an expression that stands for some number, and in order to know what number, we'd first need to know what number 'x' is.
He gave the statement "Tomorrow I shall be stoned" They let him go.
That depends on the specific situation. If you are solving an equation, and you divide one side by a certain number, you need to divide the other side by the same number.
Close. But to make that statement correct, three letters must be deleted:Every natural number is a[n ir]rational number.
Number of sides minus two equals number of diagonals drawn from one vertex.
The 'answer' is the number that 'x' must bein order to make the statement true.x = -1