It is that there are no tenths in the decimal number
1 thousand 0 hundreds 0 tens 0 ones or just 1 thousand(1000)
14 ten hundreds and 14 thousands
Let's break this down step by step. The number has 9 thousands, which means it starts with a 9 in the thousands place. It has 5 fewer hundreds than the thousands, so the hundreds digit is 9 - 5 = 4. It has 3 fewer tens than the hundreds, so the tens digit is 4 - 3 = 1. Lastly, it has 6 more ones than the tens, so the ones digit is 1 + 6 = 7. Putting it all together, the number is 9147.
There is no four digit number where the ones is twice the tens, the hundreds is five less than the ones, and the thousands is the sum of the tens and hundreds. int ones, tens, hundreds, thousands; for (thousands=1; thousands<10; thousands++) { /**/ for (hundreds=0; hundreds<10; hundreds++) { /**/ /**/ for (tens=0; tens<10; tens++) { /**/ /**/ /**/ for (ones=0; ones<10; ones++) { /**/ /**/ /**/ /**/ if (ones != 2 * tens) break; /**/ /**/ /**/ /**/ if (hundreds != ones - 5) break; /**/ /**/ /**/ /**/ if (thousands != tens + hundreds) break; /**/ /**/ /**/ /**/ printf ("dd\n", thousands, hundreds, tens, ones); /**/ /**/ /**/ } /**/ /**/ } /**/ } }
IS 5000 4000
-0 × 100 + 46 × 10 + 7 × 1 = 0 + 460 + 7 = 467.
53x3.065 Replace the "x" with how many tens there are.
You take the number given and divided it by its places. Example: 654, the 6 is in the hundreds, the 5 is in the tens amd the 4 is in the ones. So in your case the 9 is in the tens place. If the number is betweek 0 and 4 it rounds down to a 0. If the number is between 5 and 9 then you round up to ten. Example: 654 To the ones 650 To the tens 650 To the Hundreds 700 So for the number 9 it would round to 10.
You have the number 210.
41R1 is 41 + 1/x, where x is the dividend. When x>2, 41R1 is rounded to: Ones: 41 Tens: 40 Hundreds and more: 0 When x=1 or 2 Ones: 42 Tens: 40 Hundreds and more: 0
The number 546 has three significant digits. In a number, all non-zero digits are considered significant, as well as any zeros between non-zero digits. Trailing zeros (zeros to the right of the last non-zero digit) are not considered significant unless there is a decimal point present.
It is that there are no tenths in the decimal number
One hundred.