thousands - hundreds - tens - units - decimal point - tenths - hundredths - thousandths Therefore, the fourth place is "thousands."
trillions, hundred millions, ten millions, millions, hundred thousands, ten thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens, ones (decimal point) tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc.
Remember , when starting from the decimal point, and moving to the left, each digit column is named ;- Units, Tens, Hundreds, Thousands, Tens of thousands, 'Hundreds of thousands' and ' millions. Again starting the with decimal point, and moving to the right, each digit colum is named ; 'Tenths,' , Hundredths, 'Thousandths', Ten of Thousandths', Hun dreds of thousandths, & millionths. Note the use of '-ths' in the decimal digits. As an example 1234.567. '1' is thousands '2' is hundreds '3' is tens '4' is units '5' is tenths '6' is hundredths '7' is thousandths. Such a numbers as 1,000,000 is said as 'one million; Conversely such as number as 0.000001 is said as 'one millionth'.
It changes by a factor of ten. If you move the number to the right it is tenths, hundredths, thousandths. etc. Move it to the right and it is tens, hundreds, thousands.
.66, the first number after the decimal is in the tenths, hundredths, thousandths, ten thousandths, etc.0.66
Thousands, hundreds, tens, units, decimal point, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, and so on Therefore the value of 4 in 790.3498 is 4 thousandths.
thousands - hundreds - tens - units - decimal point - tenths - hundredths - thousandths Therefore, the fourth place is "thousands."
See the table is here::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; Hundreds :::::::Tens:::::::::Ones:::::::::Tenths::::::::hundredths:::::::thousandths You write it as : 678.09 You multiply the 66 by ten and 18 by One and 9 is divided by 100. Then all are added up.
trillions, hundred millions, ten millions, millions, hundred thousands, ten thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens, ones (decimal point) tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc.
Remember , when starting from the decimal point, and moving to the left, each digit column is named ;- Units, Tens, Hundreds, Thousands, Tens of thousands, 'Hundreds of thousands' and ' millions. Again starting the with decimal point, and moving to the right, each digit colum is named ; 'Tenths,' , Hundredths, 'Thousandths', Ten of Thousandths', Hun dreds of thousandths, & millionths. Note the use of '-ths' in the decimal digits. As an example 1234.567. '1' is thousands '2' is hundreds '3' is tens '4' is units '5' is tenths '6' is hundredths '7' is thousandths. Such a numbers as 1,000,000 is said as 'one million; Conversely such as number as 0.000001 is said as 'one millionth'.
It changes by a factor of ten. If you move the number to the right it is tenths, hundredths, thousandths. etc. Move it to the right and it is tens, hundreds, thousands.
It changes by a factor of ten. If you move the number to the right it is tenths, hundredths, thousandths. etc. Move it to the right and it is tens, hundreds, thousands.
It changes by a factor of ten. If you move the number to the right it is tenths, hundredths, thousandths. etc. Move it to the right and it is tens, hundreds, thousands.
.66, the first number after the decimal is in the tenths, hundredths, thousandths, ten thousandths, etc.0.66
A decimal "to the hundredths" stops two value places after the decimal point.Here are some examples:Decimal to the hundredths: 1.09Decimal to the thousandths: 1.009Decimal to the ten thousandths: 1.0009
Round it up or down. Examples: 0.014 (thousandths ) is 0.01 (Hundredths) and 0.0 (Tenths) 0.567 (Thousandths) is 0.57 (Hundredths) and 0.6 (Tenths) 27.499 (Thousandths) is 27.50 (Hundredths) and 27.5 (Tenths)
convert9 thousandths, 5 hundredths, 8 ones, 6ten-thousandths, 4 tenths in decimal