The largest prime number less than 1000 is 997.The largest prime number no less than 1000 is currently 257,885,161-1
1000-1=999 the answer is 999
The number which is 1000 less in value than the number 78000 would be 77000.
1000 - 1 = 999
Possibly, check out shelter-kit homes, I bet it would have to be less than 1000 sqft.
10 less than 1000 = 1000 minus 10 = 990
The largest prime number less than 1000 is 997.The largest prime number no less than 1000 is currently 257,885,161-1
It is 43876 - 1000 = 42876.
1000 - 2 = 998
46503 - 1000 = 45503
from less than 1000 words to 32000 words on scientific computers.from less than 20000 characters to 80000 characters on business computers.
Let the number be x:- So: 1000 > x < 1002
1000 minus 1 = 999