The GCF is 25.
The GCF is 25.
There are 17 numbers between 150 and 300 that are divisible by nine: 153, 162, 171, 180, 189, 198, 207, 216, 225, 234, 243, 252, 261, 270, 279, 288, 297.
what is the one square number between 200 and 250
To find the greatest common factor, or GCF, you must first identify the factors for each number.For 150, its factors are 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 25, 30, 50, 75, and 150.For 225, its factors are 1, 3, 5, 9, 15, 25, 45, 75, and 225.75 is the highest (or greatest) factor they have in common, so the GCF for 150 and 225 is 75
Usually a question like this should be something like 200 or something it would be about 225 for half of 50
150 percent is the same as 1.5 When you multiply 1.5 by 150, you will get 225
it is 15 because 15*15=225[ 15 *15 ----- 75 +150 225
75, 150, 225 and so on.
The GCF is 75.
225 because (300+150)/2=225
no.. take an example.. 150 is divided by both 75 and 3..but not by 225..
The GCF is 25.
The GCF is 25.
It is: 150/225 = 2/3 simplified
The GCF of 150 and 225 is 75. 150/225 = 2/3 To find a common denominator, you need at least two denominators.