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The original set would be 107, 98, 90, 83, 77, x, 68, and 65. The pattern of this set of numbers is that the first term is subtracted by 9, the next by 8, the next by 7, and so on. Therefore, the term x would be 72, which is 5 less than 77 and 4 more than 68.

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8y ago

Not sure about completing the pattern since there is no reason for it to stop after the next number.

There is no polynomial solution for polynomials of order 5 of lower. The simplest answer is obtained by fitting the following polynomial of order 6:

U(n) = (4*n^6 - 155*n^5 + 1345*n^4 - 5825*n^3 + 13288*n^2 - 17060*n + 34080)/240 for n = 1, 2, 3, ...

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Q: What number is needed to complete this pattern 107 98 90 83 77 68 65?
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What number would complete the pattern below?

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What number would complete this pattern 107 98 90 83 77 68 65?

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1 and 107 (107 is a prime number).

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The number 107 is a "prime" number. That means that only the number 1 and the number itself will divide into it.

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107 squared is 11449

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3.4 * 107 = 34,000,000, so anything greater than that works. In case you meant 107 and not 107, 3.4 * 107 = 363.8.

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What do you get if you multiply a number by nine and subtract 107?

9n-107. Where n is the chosen number .

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107 is a prime number and is divisible only by 1 and 107.

What are the prime numbers for 107?

107 is, itself, a prime number.