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96 has 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, 48, and 96. That's 12 total factors.

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Q: What number less than 100 has more factors than any other number less 100?
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What number less than 19 has more than 4 factors?

There are a few numbers that are less than 19 and have more than 4 factors. The number 10 is less than 19 and has more than four factors.

What is a composite number that is less than 100?

99 is one of them and all other numbers less than 100 that have more than two factors in them.

Factor vrs multiples?

Any number is a factor and a multiple of itself. Other factors are less than the number, other multiples are more. 5 is a factor of 10. 10 is a multiple of 5.

What is a number greater than one with more than two factors?

Every number greater than 1 has 1 and the number itself as factors. If it has no other factors besides these two factors, it is a prime number. If it has more factors than 1 and itself, it is a composite number.

What number less than 100 has more than 3 prime factors?

If you're allowed to repeat factors, 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16. If not, no number less than 100 has more than 3 distinct prime factors.

Which whole number less than 100 has the fewest number of factors?

That would be 1. The only factor of 1 is 1. All other whole numbers have at least two factors. Prime numbers have exactly two factors, while composite numbers have more than two factors.

What number is smaller than 19 that has more factors than 28?

No positive integer less than 19 has more factors than 28 does.

A number more than two factors?

'''They called composite numbers.''' '''Composite numbers are when they have more than two factors.''' '''A prime number is when it only has 2 factors no more or less.''' '''EX : 20''' '''Factors Of 20 : 1, 20, 2, 10, 4, 5.'''

One number is 5 more than 9 The other number is 19 less than 22 Find the prime factors of the product of the two numbers?

2 x 7 x 135 more than 9 is 1419 less than 22 is 3Prime factors of the product of 3 and 14 are 2, 3, and 7.

What number does Fred live at if his house number is less than 51 more than a prime number and has ten factors?


How do you identify prime numbers less than 100?

Numbers can be checked to see if they are primes simply by factoring them. Every prime number has exactly two factors, 1 and the number itself. If there are more or less than 2 factors, the number is not a prime. 1 has only one factor so it is not a prime, and composite numbers have 3 or more factors.

What do you call a Number with more than 2 factors?

Any whole number that has other factors besides 1 and itself is called a composite number.