It means that the whole number can be divided by aanother whole number without a reminder
A number divided by 2 its reminder is 1, A number divided by 3 its reminder is 2, A number divided by 4 its reminder is 3, A number divided by 5 its reminder is 4, A number divided by 6 its reminder is 5, A number divided by 7 its reminder is 6, A number divided by 8 its reminder is 7, A number divided by 9 its reminder is 8, A number divided by 10 its reminder is 9 what is that number?
46 can be divided by these numbers without leaving a remainder: 1 2 23 and 46.
Well, isn't that a happy little question! The number 41 is what we call a prime number, which means it can only be divided by 1 and itself. So, in this case, the only numbers that can divide into 41 without leaving a remainder are 1 and 41. Just like every tree in our painting, each number has its own unique beauty!
They are factors of that number
9 is the largest integer that can divide into both 36 and 81 evenly with no remainder.
When a number can be divided by another number without leaving a remainder, it is called divisible. For example, 10 is divisible by 2 because when we divide 10 by 2, there is no remainder.
GCF(24, 32) = 8
Since 225 is an odd number, it is impossible to divide it by 4 without leaving a remainder.
Read slowly. You must first find the smallest number that can be divided into the number you want to factor without leaving a remainder. Whatever the result is, you divide again by a number that allows you to divide it without leaving a remainder. You continue to divide until you have broken if you divide it any further the answer will be 1. The numbers that you have used to divide are then lined up side by side and you place periods (multiplication symbols) between each one. This symbolizes that in order to get the number you have just factored you must multiply the numbers in this way.
a old number is a number that another can go into without reminder.
5 will go into 9 once with a remainder of 4.
The greatest common factor of 11 and 12 is the number 1.