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The first one is (1 x 3) = 3

The second one is (2 x 3) = 6

The fifth one is (5 x 3) = 15
The thirty-third one is (33 x 3) = 99.

and that's as far as you can go. There are 33 of them.

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Q: What numbers are divisible by three 1 through 100?
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How many whole numbers from 100 to 999 are divisible by both 3 and 4?

There are 75 whole numbers from 100 to 999 that are divisible by both three and four.

Sum of the numbers from 50 to 100 that are divisible by 3?

There are eight pairs of numbers divisible by three that sum to 150, and 75 is also divisible by three, so: sum = 17 * 75 = 750 + 525 = 1275

What numbers 1-100 are divisible by 9?

The numbers divisible by nine up to a 100 are 9,18,27,36,45,54,63,72,81,90,and,99

How many numbers that are divisible by 6 out of 100?

There are 16 positive numbers smaller than 100 that are directly divisible by 6.

How many positive three digit integers are divisible by neither 2 nor 3?

There are 300 three digit numbers that are divisible by neither 2 nor 3. There are 999 - 100 + 1 = 900 three digit numbers. 100 ÷ 2 = 50 → first three digit number divisible by 2 is 50 × 2 =100 999 ÷ 2 = 499 r 1 → last three digit number divisible by 2 is 499 × 2 = 998 → there are 499 - 50 + 1 = 450 three digit numbers divisible by 2. 100 ÷ 3 = 33 r 1 → first three digit number divisible by 3 is 34 × 3 = 102 999 ÷ 3 = 333 → last three digit number divisible by 3 is 333 × 3 = 999 → there are 333 - 34 + 1 = 300 three digit numbers divisible by 3. The lowest common multiple of 2 and 3 is 6, so these have been counted in both those divisible by 2 and those divisible by 3. 100 ÷ 6 = 16 r 4 → first three digit number divisible by 6 is 17 × 6 = 102 999 ÷ 6 = 166 r 3 → last three digit number divisible by 6 is 166 × 6 = 996 → there are 166 - 17 + 1 = 150 → there are 450 + 300 - 150 = 600 three digit numbers that are divisible by either 2 or 3 (or both). → there are 900 - 600 = 300 three digit numbers that are divisible by neither 2 nor 3.