1000-450 equal to = 550
1000 x 1000 is equal to 1,000,000. This can be calculated by multiplying the two numbers together, as each zero in 1000 represents a place value of 10. When multiplied, the result is 1 followed by six zeros, which is one million.
5 odd numbers must always equal an odd number so can never equal 1000
1000 is the equivilant to K
1000-450 equal to = 550
The largest numeral unit in Greek was M, equal to 1000. Sometimes when a number was a multiple of 1000, the Greeks would place a horizontal bar across the top of a number to indicate it meant 1000's. For example, __ XV would equal 15,000
There are infinitely many possible answers. Two such are 1*18400 and 1000*18.4
As a fraction it is: 8/1000 or 1/125 in its simplest form As a decimal it is: 0.008
lots of numbers including: 10*96 1*960 100*9.6 1000*0.96 3*32
1000 x 1000 is equal to 1,000,000. This can be calculated by multiplying the two numbers together, as each zero in 1000 represents a place value of 10. When multiplied, the result is 1 followed by six zeros, which is one million.