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Is this a trick question? How about a yardstick!

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Q: What object is one yard in length?
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How can you convert onE yard to a linear yard?

A length of 1 yard is 1 linear yard!

What object is about 1 yard long?

length from nose to fingertip

What is the length of one yard?

0.94 meters

How tall is one yard?

A yard is a unit of length not in height so it isn't given as something that is tall.

How much does one yard of concrete weigh?

The yard is a unit of length, not a unit for mass !!

What length will fabric be from one yard?

The length will be one yard. The width will be the other dimension from woven/knit edge to woven/knit edge.

What equipment would you use to measure foot length?

To measure a foot length you could use a ruler, a yard stick, a tape measure, or any object that you knew was precisely one foot long on a side or edge.

What object is between one foot and one yard long?

a lamp

What is the length of yards of DNA coiled in every human cell?

No matter the context, a yard is exactly one yard long. No matter the context, a yard is exactly one yard long.

What is a yard stick used for?

A yard stick is divided into 3 feet, which are divided into 12 inches each which are again divided into 1/8" segments each(usually). A yard stick is used for measuring the length of an object the same way a ruler might be used. Often this would be used for an object more than 1 foot but less than 3 feet in length.

How many yards equals a yard?

A square yard is an area unit. A yard is a length or distance unit. One cannot be converted to another.

What is the inderect object and direct object in this sentence That dog in their yard is a friendly collie?

yard is an indirect object. There is no direct object.