56.25% of 64 is 36
To get at least 64% you can miss at most 100 - 64 % = 36 % Percent means "out of 100" 36 % of 56 = 36/100 x 56 = 20.16 → Can miss 20 questions.
36% of 4.58 is 1.6488 which says the remaining 64% is 2.9312.
75% of 48 = 75/100 x 48 = 36
592 minus 36 % =592*(1-.36)=592*.64=378.88
43.2 120*.64=76.8 120-76.8=43.2 or 120*.36=43.2
It is: 36/64 = 0.5625
The GCF of 36 and 64 is 4. 36/64 = 9/16
64 percent percent = 0.0064
64 does not go into 36 evenly. To find out how many times 64 goes into 36, you would divide 36 by 64. The result of this division would be a decimal number less than 1, indicating that 64 does not go into 36 a whole number of times.
64 minus 28 is 36.