Well, honey, amber eyes are pretty rare, so only about 5% of the world's population has them. But hey, who needs amber eyes when you've got your sparkling personality to light up the room, right?
A lot
300 people/7,000,000,000 people= 4.28571429 × 10-8 or .0000000428571429%
What ever colour your eyes are because you're driving the us!
Everyone dreams. Some people just don't remember their dreams
44.44% complete
Well, I have amber eyes but do you know more people? I have amber eyes.
It's not called gold, it's amber. But a very small percent have it, like about 3%.
Amber, but some people think it is green
Brown, blue, green, gray, amber, hazel. Albinos have red eyes.
The Hare with Amber Eyes was created in 2010.
Leafpool's eyes are described as amber in color.
There is no "place" where amber eyes are found. It is random.
The Hare with Amber Eyes has 353 pages.
Blue, brown, green, gray, amber, hazel. Albinos have red eyes.
Blue, brown, green, gray, hazel, amber. Albinos have red eyes.
Amber is an extremely rare eye color for people in the US or elsewhere. I have only met one such person in my entire life. The percentage is undoubtedly very low, perhaps a thousandth of a percent.
Amber colored eyes are relatively rare. They are more commonly found in individuals with mixed ethnic backgrounds, such as those of African, Asian, and Native American descent. Amber eyes are known for their unique beauty and can vary in shade from golden yellow to coppery brown.