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The sum of two numbers that equals -7 can be represented as x + y = -7. In this case, x and y are two numbers that when added together result in -7. These numbers could be -10 and 3, or -5 and -2, as long as their sum equals -7.

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13y ago

There are a multitude of additions that could result in -7. Adding a negative number is basically the same as changing the plus sign to a minus, then doing the subtraction as if you were subtracting positive numbers. Adding a positive number to a negative number makes the number move closer to 0 (or past it if the positive number is larger). Also, adding two negative numbers results in a negative number.

0 + -7 = -7

2 + -9 = -7

-8 + 1 = -7

-3 + -4 = -7

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