It can have 5 triangles
There are 11 triangles in an undecagon. The number of sides of a polygon is the number of triangles it has.
18 triangles
The number of triangles that can be formed within a regular polygon depends on the number of sides the polygon has. For an n-sided polygon, where n is greater than or equal to 3, you can form n-2 triangles within the polygon. This is because each triangle is formed by connecting one vertex to any other two non-adjacent vertices. So, for example, in a regular pentagon (5-sided polygon), you can form 5-2 = 3 triangles.
If a regular polygon has n sides, then the number of triangles in that polygon is n - 2. thus, the sum of its interior angles is equal to (n - 2)180°.
there are 15 triangles in a 17 sided polygon
It has 58 triangles
Triangles are one type of polygon
A 30 sided polygon contains 28 triangles.
There are 3 triangles inside a 5 sided pentagon polygon
In general, you divide up the polygon into triangles, calculate the areas of the triangles and then sum these.
It has 34 triangles
It can have 5 triangles
18. If a polygon has n sides, then it has n-2 triangles.There are 18 triangles in a 20 sided polygon.
Divide the polygon into triangles. Calculate the areas of the triangles and then sum these.
Some BasicsA polygon can have as many side as possible, as long as it's not round. Well, a triangle is 3-sided, so if you mean how many sets of three sides, so no. Definition: Triangles of a polygon are the triangles created by drawing line segments from one vertex of a polygon to all the other vertices.AnswerFor a regular polygon having 'n' sides, the number of triangles that can be drawn in it is (n-2). Hence, you can draw 2 triangles in a square, 3 in a pentagon, 4 in a hexagon, etc.For an irregular polygon, this formula may not always hold true.(check the related link)
Number of triangles in a polygon is determined by (n-2) = number of triangles, whereas n is the number of sides of the polygon