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Q: What punctuation is used to join written fractions?
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What punctuation used to separate written fractions?

A forward slash (/) is commonly used to separate written fractions, for example, 1/2 or 3/4.

What punctuation is used to join compound numbers and words?


What punctuation is used to join two words together in a contration?

An apostrophe is used to join two words together in a contraction. This punctuation mark replaces one or more letters that have been omitted from a word. For example, "can't" is a contraction of "cannot."

What punctuation is used to separate written factions?


What type of punctuation is a virgule?

A virgule is a type of punctuation used to indicate a division in a line of poetry or music, often referred to as a diagonal or forward slash (/). It is also commonly used in abbreviations, fractions, and to separate alternatives.

What is the sign of hiphen in punctuation?

The hyphen is both an element and a punctuation mark.As punctuation, the hyphen is used to join adjectives that modify a noun: fast-talking girlit is used to separate the elements of a spelled word: s-c-i-o-nYou will see it used in place of a comma - but I don't like it.

What is an irony?

Irony punctuation is a type of notation that is used to express sarcasm or irony in written format. An example of irony punctuation is the reverse question mark.

What punctuation mark is used to join two sentences using a conjunctive adverb a.comma b.colon c.semicolon d.hyphen?

c. semicolon

What is an irony punctuation?

Irony punctuation is a proposed form of punctuation that would indicate that a statement should be understood as ironic or sarcastic. It has not been widely adopted and is not part of conventional grammar or punctuation rules.

What is the correct punctuation for dba?

The correct punctuation for "dba" is a period after each letter, as in "d.b.a." It stands for "doing business as" and is used to indicate a business operating under a different name than its legal one. So, remember to dot those i's and cross those t's with your "d.b.a." punctuation.

What sign is a hifen?

A hyphen is a punctuation mark that is used to join words or to separate syllables. It is typically shorter and sits at the same level as the rest of the text.

What part of speech is hyphen?

The word "hyphen" is a noun. It refers to a punctuation mark (-) used to join words or parts of words together.