Ask your teacher if you can retake the test
b3 is not equal to d7
It is Q*Q*Q*Q or Q^4 - whatever Q is.
best thing to do, is ask your teacher
was my dog was there
When one ask Q in Answer app without specifying the category, it will pop in the Q uncategorized.
well when i tried to find my boy friend in college with out a car he had to pick me up but it really din mat...... call me at 599 3204 if need to ask any other of your uestions.....
the q test go to
just ask her the Q
that's such a stupidly, idiotic Q. to ask only someone stupid would ask that Q
Ask your test buddy and teacher to check that the booking agent will be able to contact the artists you have requested and that the list meets the CAB requirements. What feedback did you receive?
This Q is just a test.
a questionnaire? :)
Give them as much information as possible so that jagex can determine whether it was your account or not.