To convert 0.111111111 to a fraction, we can represent it as 1/9 since the decimal 0.111111111 is a repeating decimal with the pattern 1 repeating infinitely. This can be simplified to 1/9, which is the fraction form of the decimal 0.111111111.
Divide it. For example 0.02 is 2 tenths or 2/100, simplified to 1/50. For more complicated decimals just follow the same; 0.05783 is 5783/10000 you can do it will simpler ones too. 0.8 is 8/10 or 2/5. If its s repeating decimal it usually corresponds to something you will have to memorize, 0.3 repeating is 1/3, 0.6 repeating is 2/3 and so on
No.Repeating decimals are rational.To convert a repeating decimal to a fraction, put the repeating digit(s) over the same number of 9s and simplify:examples.0.333...It has one repeating digit (3) so put it over one 9 (9) to get 3/9 which can be simplified by dividing top and bottom by 3 (the hcf of 3 and 9) to get 1/3. Thus: 0.333... = 1/30.181818...It has two repeating digits (18) so put them over two 9s (99) to get 18/99 which can be simplified by dividing top and bottom by 9 (the hcf of 18 and 99) to get 2/11. Thus: 0.181818.... = 2/11
There are two possible answers depending upon what is repeating:2.161616... = (216.16... - 2.16...)/99 = 214/99 = 2 16/992.1666... = (21.66... - 2.16...)/9 = 19.5/9 = 195/90 = 13/6 = 2â…™
As given, 4.857142857 = 4 857142857/1000000000 which cannot be simplified further. Except that the decimal representation appears to be a truncated version of a repeating decimal. Then, let S = 4.857142857... then 1000000S = 4857142.857142... so that 999999S = 4857138 then S = 4857138/999999 = 34/7 or 4 6/7
To convert 0.111111111 to a fraction, we can represent it as 1/9 since the decimal 0.111111111 is a repeating decimal with the pattern 1 repeating infinitely. This can be simplified to 1/9, which is the fraction form of the decimal 0.111111111.
write the fraction in simplest form 60/150
There are 60 seconds in a minute.Therefore, the fraction is 29 s/60 s = 29/60, a ratio which cannot be simplified further.
Turning repeating decimals to fractions are quite simple. All you need to do is take a look at what numbers are being repeated. For this question, as the 7 and the 2 are being repeated, we can see that there are only two numbers being repeated. So we put two 9's as the denominator for the fraction and 72 as the numerator. So a simple way to put this would be, however many numbers that are being repeated, that's how many 9's are needed for the denominator. Therefore, 0.72 repeating is 72/99 and simplified is 8/11.
0.388888888888888 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its rational equivalent is 388888888888888/1000000000000000 which can be simplified, if required.
Divide it. For example 0.02 is 2 tenths or 2/100, simplified to 1/50. For more complicated decimals just follow the same; 0.05783 is 5783/10000 you can do it will simpler ones too. 0.8 is 8/10 or 2/5. If its s repeating decimal it usually corresponds to something you will have to memorize, 0.3 repeating is 1/3, 0.6 repeating is 2/3 and so on
Approximately two-thirds (2/3). In the real decimal representation, the 6's would go on forever; that final seven represents rounding.
No.Repeating decimals are rational.To convert a repeating decimal to a fraction, put the repeating digit(s) over the same number of 9s and simplify:examples.0.333...It has one repeating digit (3) so put it over one 9 (9) to get 3/9 which can be simplified by dividing top and bottom by 3 (the hcf of 3 and 9) to get 1/3. Thus: 0.333... = 1/30.181818...It has two repeating digits (18) so put them over two 9s (99) to get 18/99 which can be simplified by dividing top and bottom by 9 (the hcf of 18 and 99) to get 2/11. Thus: 0.181818.... = 2/11
If the decimal of a fraction either terminates or ends with a repeating cycle of digit(s) then it is a rational number; otherwise it does not terminate nor does it have a repeating cycle of digit(s) at the end and is irrational. 0.12345 terminates as so it rational If that was repeating, as in 0.123451234512345..., then it is still rational.
There are two possible answers depending upon what is repeating:2.161616... = (216.16... - 2.16...)/99 = 214/99 = 2 16/992.1666... = (21.66... - 2.16...)/9 = 19.5/9 = 195/90 = 13/6 = 2â…™
Put the repeating part over as many 9's as there are parts that are repeating. For example, if it is just a 7 that is repeating, then it is 7/9, but if it is a 45 that is repeating (as in .45454545...), then it is 45/99. A 2376 that repeats is 2376/9999. Try it out on your calculator, and you'll see that 7/9 is .77777...
As given, 4.857142857 = 4 857142857/1000000000 which cannot be simplified further. Except that the decimal representation appears to be a truncated version of a repeating decimal. Then, let S = 4.857142857... then 1000000S = 4857142.857142... so that 999999S = 4857138 then S = 4857138/999999 = 34/7 or 4 6/7