Turning repeating decimals to fractions are quite simple. All you need to do is take a look at what numbers are being repeated. For this question, as the 7 and the 2 are being repeated, we can see that there are only two numbers being repeated. So we put two 9's as the denominator for the fraction and 72 as the numerator. So a simple way to put this would be, however many numbers that are being repeated, that's how many 9's are needed for the denominator. Therefore, 0.72 repeating is 72/99 and simplified is 8/11.
To express 0.72 repeating as a fraction, we can let x = 0.7272... and multiply it by 100 to shift the decimal point two places to the right, giving us 100x = 72.7272.... Now, subtract the original equation from the new one to eliminate the repeating decimal, resulting in 99x = 72. This simplifies to x = 72/99. Finally, we reduce the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by the greatest common divisor, which is 9 in this case, yielding the simplified fraction 8/11. Therefore, 0.72 repeating is equivalent to the fraction 8/11.
9.555... repeating as an improper fraction in its simplest form is 86/9
To convert a one digit repeating decimal, make a fraction of that digit over 9, so 55/99 = 5/9 You can convert any repeating digits by putting them over the same number of 9s.
2/3 2/3 = 0.66666....
I assume that the decimal part is repeating to infinity. Then 1.571429 written as a fraction is 1 and 4/7.
what is 0.194 as a repeating fraction
0.78 repeating as a fraction = 78/99
0.14 repeating as a fraction = 14/99
If you mean: 0.151515.....repeating then as a fraction it is 5/33
3.1 repeating, as a rational fraction is 28/9.
0.13333333 repeating in fraction = 12/90 or 2/15
3.25 repeating written as a fraction is 322/99
If all 3 digits are repeating then as a fraction it is 215/999
The fraction of the repeating decimal 0.7... is 7/9
It is: 53/99It is: 0.5333 ... repeating = 8/15 as a fraction
As an improper fraction 53.333 ... repeating is 160/3
The fraction for .4 repeating is 2/5.