A shape with three sides is called a triangle: 3 equal sides = equilateral 2 sides same length = isosceles 1 right angle = right-angled triangle
It's not possible to have a right angle triangle with sides of equal length. The sides on a right angle triangle are always in the ratio 3:4:5.
It is a parallelogramIf one of the angles is a right angle (then they all are) and the quadrilateral is a rectangle.If both pairs of sides are equal in length (but none of the angles is a right angle) the quadrilateral is a rhombus.If the sides are equal and one of the angles is a right angle, the quadrilateral is a square.
Any polygon with 4 or more sides can always have a right angle.
Rhombus. Because a rhombus has congruent (egual in shape and size) sides, but has no right angles.
the answer is square's.
A rhombus
its a rhombus
a pentagon
In plane geometry, a shape with four sides, two of which are parallel and have the same length, cannot have a reflex angle.
a square
This is a rectangle, or the special case of the square (all sides equal).
That would be a parallelogram, right.
A shape with three sides is called a triangle: 3 equal sides = equilateral 2 sides same length = isosceles 1 right angle = right-angled triangle
Pythagoras discovered the means for measuring the length of sides of a right angle.
a right angle triangle.