Rhombus. Because a rhombus has congruent (egual in shape and size) sides, but has no right angles.
That's an isosceles right triangle.
A shape with 4 right angles and 4 equal sides is a square. ==========================
right angled isosceles triangle
the triangle is called right handed triangle
Angles and sides are congruent when they are identical. A shape with four identical sides and angles is a square.
A rhombus
a square!
An isosceles right triangle.Note:If it has a right angle, then it can't possibly have morethan 2 congruent sides.
Equilateral ( all sides are congruent), Isosceles (2 sides are congruent, Scalene (no sides are congruent), Acute ( three acute angles), Obtuse ( one obtuse angle), Right ( one right angle).
All angles will be equal and the type of angle will depend on how many sides the shape has
Isosceles Triangle - 2 congruent sides Equilateral Triangle - all three sides are congruent Scalene triangle - no sides are congruent
A right isosceles triangle.
That is simply called a right triangle.
Only if the congruent angle is the angle between the two congruent sides (SAS postulate).
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