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a triangle has 3 sides, and a circle has 1

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4w ago

Well, honey, a circle is the shape you're looking for. It's got zero sides, but don't underestimate it just because it's a round little fella. It may not play by the rules of those square and triangle folks, but it's still a valid shape in my book.

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Q: What shape has fewer than 4 sides?
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Common shapes with less than 4 sides are triangles and circles ( but the circle has no straight sides).

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It is a triangle shape wich has 3 sides whereas a rectangle has 4 sides.

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That could be any quadrilateral or pentagon.

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The description given can be applicable to some 4 sided quadrilaterals like a square or a rectangle.

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A shape with four sides has four vertices and a shape with three sides has three vertices, so a shape with four sides has more vertices than a shape with three sides.

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A 4 sided shape which is a quadrilateral has more vertices than a 3 sided shape which is a triangle

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The shape that has more than 4 sides but also has a building named after it is The Pentagon.