Begs the question: Same perimeter as what?
There are plenty of examples of shapes that given the same perimeter length will have different areas, e.g. pick any two of the following: Circle, Square, Triangle, Rhombus, Pentagon, Hexagon...
No , perimeter is the measurement outside of the shape; the border. Area is the measurement of inside of the shape.
perimeter is when you have a shape and then you have your area and that is what is in the middle of the shape and perimeter is the edge of the shape.
That depends on the exact shape. For the same area, you can have different perimeters, depending on the shape.
The area will decrease but the perimeter can increase, stay the same or decrease depending upon how the piece was cut off.
P stands for Perimeter- The distance around a shape
No , perimeter is the measurement outside of the shape; the border. Area is the measurement of inside of the shape.
There is a square that has a length of 4. Area: 4 x 4: 16 Perimeter: 4+4+4+4= 16 Yes, there is a shape with the same perimeter and area.
A circle.
a square
Most shapes have different perimeter than area, as far as value.
they are different because perimeter is the out side of the shape and area is inside of the shape.
both include the outside of the shape
No, any shape with four sides and same perimeter will always be a square.
A circle
A square will. The only shape that can enclose more area with the same perimeter is a circle.
Most shapes can have the same area and different perimeters. For example the right size square and circle will have the same are but they will have different perimeters. You can draw an infinite number of triangles with the same area but different perimeters. This is before we think about all the other shapes out there.