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It is a bit like an s-curve. See it for yourself at the following link.

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Q: What shape of a line does a graph of logistic growth show?
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How can you tell if a graph is an example of linear growth?

Linear growth means that the graph is a straight line.

What shape does the graph of a linear relationship take?

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a line

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It takes the shape of a line.

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The trend of a graph is the slope of any line on the graph that indicated a positive or growth factor and/or a negative or decaying factor. If the slope goes negative, the graph's line will go down thus indicating decay. If the slope becomes positive, the graph's line will go up thus indicating growth.

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When a graph shows a trend that is noticeable. Such as a line or a curve in a certain shape.

What Best graph for growth of lizard?

Line graph because it shows change over time.

IWhat shape does the graph of a linear relationship take?

Linear = Straight line! So, a graph of a linear relationship is a straight line.

When do you use a broken line graph?

you use a broken line graph usually for showing continuous data (data with growth over time)

What does the line on a speed or time graph show?

The shape and slope of the line on a graph illustrates the qualitative and quantitative relationship between the variables plotted on the axes of the graph. Sadly, there is no such graph as a "speed or time" one.

What is the shape of displacement time graph for uniform motion?

The shape of the displacement-time graph for uniform motion is a straight line with a constant slope. This indicates that the object is moving at a constant speed in a straight line.

What type of graph would be best to display growth over the last 5 years?

The best graph in my opinion would be a line graph . Line graphs are used in most buisness graphs .