line graph
a circle graph
360% is the total percent. its what all the pieces of a circle graph should add up to!
Whats all the graph
The title of a graph should be an indication of the information that the graph is meant to convey. It may not be a direct description of the data but it should certainly be relevant to the data being used. For example, a graph showing number of residents against years might have a title of "Growth in the town". The title refers not to the data but to the information the graph is showing.
I am not sure but you should get Microsoft exel
Scatter graph. Double-line Graph
double line graph
line graph
not sure
Step 1. Determine what will be on the graph. Step 2. Make the graph.
Decide why you want to make a line graph and not some other form of graph.
No titles or axis' No numbers Or making the graph difficult to read
line graph
line graph
Yes! A graph should have a succinct and precise title. The axes of a graph should be clearly labeled with the correct units for the entities graphed. A graph should have its axes scaled so that the graph is not difficult to use. A graph should also have the drawer's initials or name and the date it was prepared.