125 of them.
I make it as 64. 4 X 4 X 4= 64
Well, darling, a 1-inch cube has a volume of 1 cubic inch. It's as simple as that. So, if you ever need to fill a tiny cube with some liquid courage, you'll know exactly how much it can hold.
0.125 cubic inches
27 of them.
A 41 inch cube is 41X41X41 inches. 413=68921 cubic inches. A 41 inch cube can be cut into 68921 one-inch cubes.
16 1-inch cubes
Eight 4 inch cubes are needed to build and 8 inch cube.
4 of them can.
No. A cube with sides which are 1 centimetre long or that of 1 inch are both unit cubes, as is a cube with sides of 1 decimetre (volume = 1 litre).
125 of them.
I make it as 64. 4 X 4 X 4= 64