The plus sign, +, is used to add two numbers together. It is one of the four basic arithmetic operations along with:Subtract, -Multiplication, x or *Division, / or ÷
When you add two (or any number of) numbers together, the result is called the sum.
The plus symbol: +
There cannot be two such numbers.
The plus sign, +, is used to add two numbers together. It is one of the four basic arithmetic operations along with:Subtract, -Multiplication, x or *Division, / or ÷
+ is the symbol for adding two numbers together.It is usually called the plus symbol.
When you add two (or any number of) numbers together, the result is called the sum.
The plus symbol: +
just find a common denominator and add the two numerators together then add the whole numbers
To add two numbers together
5 and -3
when you add two or more numbers together, the result is called the sum
add together and divide by two
There cannot be two such numbers.