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Eight degrees below zero Celsius. It is a subtraction problem.

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Q: What temperature is 15 degrees lower than seven degrees Celsius?
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What temperature is 15 degrees lower than seven degrees celcius?

15 degrees lower than 7 degrees Celsius is -8 degrees Celsius.

What tempersture is 10 degrees lower than seven degrees celsius?

What TEMPERATURE is 10 degrees lower than seven degrees celsius? The answer is negative 3 degrees. 7 - 7 = 0 (Still have 3 keft over) 0 - 3 = - 3 =) x

How many degrees would the temperature have to rise from a negative seven degrees Celsius to reach eleven degrees Celsius?

It would have to rise 18 degrees Celsius.

What is the name of the bubble in temperature?

Degree. For instance, 37 °C is read "thirty-seven degrees Celsius"

How much is a ninety seven degrees Fahrenheit in degrees Celsius?

36.1 degrees Celsius.

What is negative fifty-seven degrees Celsius in Fahrenheit?

Negative fifty-seven degrees Celsius is equivalent to approximately -70.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

How many degrees celsius is seven below zero Fahrenheit?

Seven degrees below zero Fahrenheit is equivalent to approximately -21 degrees Celsius.

How many degrees kelvin is twenty-seven degrees celsius?

To convert from Celsius to Kelvin, simply add 273.15. Therefore, 27 degrees Celsius is equivalent to 300.15 degrees Kelvin.

What is the average body temperature of a healthy adult?

If you mean body temperature, then it would be (thirty seven degrees celsius) as any other human's average body temperature should be.

What is a clinical thermometer?

A clinical thermometer, this type of thermometer is sensitive to very small changes in temperature but is able to measure temperatures only within a few degrees of normal body temperature (thirty seven degrees celsius).

What is clinical thermometers?

A clinical thermometer, this type of thermometer is sensitive to very small changes in temperature but is able to measure temperatures only within a few degrees of normal body temperature (thirty seven degrees celsius).

What is seven degrees in Celsius?

it is approximately -14 degees.