There are a great many ways to do that.
One way is [ 12 x 12 x 12 ] .
Here are a few others:
4 x 3 x 144
1 x 144 x 12
6 x 12 x 24
3 x 48 x 12
3 x 16 x 36
There are a lot more.
5,5, and 4
This is no set of three consecutive numbers that when multiplied equal 387.
For starters you have 120*5*2. There are a lot that I cannot mention them all
One, two, and three.
5, 7 and 11.
5,5, and 4
This is no set of three consecutive numbers that when multiplied equal 387.
the numbers 2 and 3 and 16 1/6 all multiply to equal 97
For starters you have 120*5*2. There are a lot that I cannot mention them all
2,3 and 28
One, two, and three.
1, 2 and 18 (when multiplied together) 1, 2 and 33 (when added together) In each case, there are infinitely more alternatives.