Numbers greater than 0.716 include one million, one billion, and 0.717
The greater of two numbers is 7 more than the lesser Three times the greater number is 5 more than 4 times the lesser number Find the numbers?
Of the three numbers given, the largest is 3.274.
Oh, dude, a triangle is a polygon with three sides, so technically any three numbers can make a triangle as long as the sum of any two sides is greater than the third side. It's like that awkward third wheel situation but with numbers. So, as long as the numbers play nice and follow the rules, you've got yourself a triangle.
Three composite numbers greater than one are 4,6, and 8.
0.8 is the greater out of the given three numbers
Numbers having exactly three factors are the squares of prime numbers. Examples of these numbers greater than 100 are 121, 169, 289, 361, 529, 841, etc.
Numbers greater than 0.716 include one million, one billion, and 0.717
Play safe. Go for 1 million, 1 billion and 1 trillion!
The greater of two numbers is 7 more than the lesser Three times the greater number is 5 more than 4 times the lesser number Find the numbers?
Three fourths is greater than one fourths because if the numbers are the same at the bottom then match the top so you do higher numbers instead of lower
They are Equivalent Numbers
Numbers that have only two factors are prime numbers. You're looking for the next three prime numbers over a certain number. But, you didn't tell us what number the three numbers have to be greater than.
Three numbers that are less than 2 and greater than -1 are -0.5, 0, and 1.5. These numbers fall within the range of -1 and 2 on the number line, satisfying the given conditions.
The highest of those three numbers is 4.25.