If 8 x divisor is 2 digit, divisor must be 12 or less If fist digit quotient x divisor is 3 digit, the first digit has to be 9 and the divisor is 12 9 x 12 = 108 8 x 12 = 96
33 and 10164
Unless you are using remainders, no because the divisor may not divide evenly into the dividend you idiots.
In any two-figure division sum, the format is: dividend / divisor = quotient
The two numbers that give you the quotient in a division operation are the dividend and the divisor. The dividend is the number being divided, while the divisor is the number by which the dividend is being divided. The result of the division operation is the quotient. For example, in the division problem 10 Γ· 2 = 5, 10 is the dividend, 2 is the divisor, and 5 is the quotient.
The largest two-digit divisor of 534 is 89.
welll yjh
If 8 x divisor is 2 digit, divisor must be 12 or less If fist digit quotient x divisor is 3 digit, the first digit has to be 9 and the divisor is 12 9 x 12 = 108 8 x 12 = 96
A dividend is is a number to be divided and a divisor is a number to be divided into a dividend. Here the dividend is a three digit number and is divided by a one digit divisor. The quotient or result is a two digit number as stated. So in math terms, we can state that the dividend is a three digit number and that the divisor is a one digit number.
33 and 10164
using the short or long division
Divisor must be greater than 10000/308 ie 33 or more
Unless you are using remainders, no because the divisor may not divide evenly into the dividend you idiots.
How to solve long division problem:When dividing two numbers, the dividend and divisor; the answer is the quotient.Make note of where decimal points is in the dividend and divisor.Simplify the long division problem by moving the decimals of the divisor and dividend by the same number of decimal places.Keep the numbers lined up straight from top to bottom.After each step, be sure the remainder for that step is less than the divisor. If it is not, there is a problem - check your math.In the end, any left over is called the remainder
In any two-figure division sum, the format is: dividend / divisor = quotient