If you are wanting to add odd numbers to get 399, it won't work. If you are wanting to multiply to get 399, it is 19 x 21.
When you multiply two numbers, you get the product
When you multiply two numbers, it is called the product.
The two (or more) numbers that you multiply are called factors. (The result of the multiplication is called the product.)
Two numbers that you can multiply together to get 72 are: 36 and 2.
If you are wanting to add odd numbers to get 399, it won't work. If you are wanting to multiply to get 399, it is 19 x 21.
GCF(187, 399) = 1, the two numbers are coprime.
When you multiply two numbers, you get the product
The numbers are sqrt(399+1) ± 1 = 20 ± 1 = 19 and 21
399 is not prime as it has more than two factors which are 1 and itself as it has many other combinations of numbers to resolve the question so no 399 is not prime
When you multiply two numbers, it is called the product.
The two (or more) numbers that you multiply are called factors. (The result of the multiplication is called the product.)
Two numbers that you can multiply together to get 72 are: 36 and 2.
Two numbers you could multiply to get 213 are 71 and 3.
You can multiply the first two numbers, then multiply the result with the third number. Or multiply in any other order.You can multiply the first two numbers, then multiply the result with the third number. Or multiply in any other order.You can multiply the first two numbers, then multiply the result with the third number. Or multiply in any other order.You can multiply the first two numbers, then multiply the result with the third number. Or multiply in any other order.
2 and 62 or 4 and 31 are two numbers you can multiply to get 124.
you multiply the two numbers before the =. ex. 4x8=. the 4 and the 8 are the numbers you multiply another is 6x9=. the 6 and the 9 are the numbers you multiply.