what two numbers equal 253
There are no two such numbers. 185 is equal to 185. No other number is equal to 185.
Two numbers that equal 136 are 136/1 and 0.007352941.
1 x 33, 3 x 11
The numbers are 16 and 17.
33/2=16.5 16.5+16.5=33
33 and 5
No prime numbers can be equal to 33, as 33 is not a prime number. It is divisible by 3. Prime numbers are only divisible by 1 and themselves, and 33 does not meet this criterion.
3 & 55, 5 & 33, 11 & 15
10 and 3.3 is one of infinitely many possible answers.
a + b = 50 a - b = 16 2a = 66 a = 33 b = 17