The HCF is always a factor of the LCM of two numbers. The HCF is a factor of both the numbers which are factors of their LCM. Thus the HCF is also a factor of the LCM of the two numbers.
18 and 9 * * * * * Not so. LCM(9, 18) = 18, not 54. The correct answer is 18, 27.
The LCM of any two consecutive numbers greater than zero is the two numbers multiplied together. eg. the LCM of 10 and 11 is: 10*11=110
The LCM is: 54
The LCM of the given two numbers is 918
List 54 with one of its factors. The LCM of 54 and 27 is 54. Same with 54 and 6, 54 and 9, 54 and 3, etc.
9 and 54 18 and 27
The LCM is 756.
At least two or more numbers are needed to find their LCM but if you meant 18 and 27 then it is 54
54108, because 54108*1=54108. Usually (in fact always) LCM is between two or more numbers. So this question shouldn't even be answerable. Next time remember... TWO OR MORE NUMBERS FOR LCM!
You need at least two numbers to find an LCM. If that's 27, 45 and 54, the LCM is 270. If that's 274 and 554, the LCM is 75,898.
You need at least two numbers to find an LCM. If that's 5 and 4, the LCM is 20.
Oh, dude, so the greatest common factor (GCF) is like the BFF of numbers, right? And the least common multiple (LCM) is like the party they both get invited to. So, if the GCF is 9, it's like saying, "Hey, I can fit into both of your circles," and the LCM is 54, which is like the big party where they all hang out together. So, the two numbers would be 27 and 54.
The LCM of 45 and 4 is 60. The LCM of 4 and 54 is 108. You need at least two numbers to find an LCM.
27 and 54, among others.