Well, isn't that a happy little math problem we have here! To find the two numbers, we need to think about what factors of 240 could work. Since the numbers multiply to a negative number and add to a positive number, we know one number must be positive and the other negative. After some gentle calculations, we find the numbers to be 30 and -8.
Multiply the numbers ignoring the signs and then add a negative sign.
Factors multiply. The same set of numbers won't add up to both 140 and 240, but 120 and 20 are factors of 240 that total 140.
There are no two real numbers that do, but the complex numbers (2 + i) and (2 - i) will.If you want two numbers that multiply to negative 5 and add to positive 4 then: -1 and 5If you want two numbers that multiply to negative 5 and add to negative 4 then: 1 and -5
Multiply the numbers ignoring the signs and then add a negative sign.
negative 3 and positive 4
Factors multiply. The same set of numbers won't add up to both 140 and 240, but 120 and 20 are factors of 240 that total 140.