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Betty Tromp

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3y ago
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Line graph is the type of graph that represents the sequence given by the explicit formula an 5 n - 12.

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Q: What type of graph represents the sequence given by the explicit formula an 5 n - 12?
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The answer depends on what the explicit rule is!

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It is often possible to find an explicit formula that gives the same answer as a given recursive formula - and vice versa. I don't think you can always find an explicit formula that gives the same answer.

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False. The formula used to find force is usually given as F = ma, where F represents force, m represents mass, and a represents acceleration.

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The formula LIS stands for "Longest Increasing Subsequence." It is used to find the length of the longest subsequence of a given sequence that is strictly increasing.

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The sequence represents a non-convergence sequence. The sequences carries out -27, 17, 19, -21, 44, 2, -40,-42,-42. This is a math sequencing solution that gives a pattern to the original numbers given.

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The simplest and most obvious sequence is given by the formula: X[n]=136 - n*7 This gives X[11]=59.

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The dimensional formula for magnetic flux is given by [M^1L^2T^-2A^-1], where M represents mass, L represents length, T represents time, and A represents electric current. Magnetic flux is defined as the product of the magnetic field strength and the area through which the magnetic field is passing.

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The formula to find the sum of a geometric sequence is adding a + ar + ar2 + ar3 + ar4. The sum, to n terms, is given byS(n) = a*(1 - r^n)/(1 - r) or, equivalently, a*(r^n - 1)/(r - 1)

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A good sentence for explicit?.... "The women left EXPLICIT instructions explaining which medicines should be given to which cats." Random, but I think it demonstrates good use of the word.

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You didn't say the series (I prefer to use the word sequence) of even numbers are consecutive even numbers, or even more generally an arithmetic sequence. If we are not given any information about the sequence other than that each member happens to be even, there is no formula for that other than the fact that you can factor out the 2 from each member and add up the halves, then multiply by 2: 2a + 2b + 2c = 2(a + b + c). If the even numbers are an arithmetic sequence, you can use the formula for the sum of an arithmetic sequence. Similarly if they are a geometric sequence.

What is the nth term for 1 7 13 19?

The given sequence is an arithmetic sequence with a common difference of 6. To find the nth term of this sequence, we can use the following formula: nth term = first term + (n - 1) x common difference where n is the position of the term we want to find. In this sequence, the first term is 1 and the common difference is 6. Substituting these values into the formula, we get: nth term = 1 + (n - 1) x 6 nth term = 1 + 6n - 6 nth term = 6n - 5 Therefore, the nth term of the sequence 1, 7, 13, 19 is given by the formula 6n - 5.

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The area of a circle is given by the formula A = πr^2, where A represents the area and r represents the radius. Plugging in the given radius of 6.2 into the formula, we have A = π(6.2)^2. Evaluating this expression gives an area of approximately 120.79 square units.